
I used to be a champion sleeper. Like, I could have won an Olympic medal. Ask anyone. I could sleep anywhere. And I could easily sleep straight through the night. Embarrassingly, I could even sleep through the occasional earthquake.  

And then I hit forty. 

Now to get a good night’s sleep I need a sound machine, the right aromatherapy, and the perfect “cooling” pillow placed right between my legs to taper the invisible flames burning just outside my tummy. Ahhhh, the HOT FLASH. You grow up hearing about it, but no one really describes it. No one prepares you for when your own body starts to feel less and less like your own, when the opposite should be true. (Hey, I’ve inhabited this space for forty-six years now! WTF is going on?!)

This is MIDLIFE. 

And let’s be honest, the interrupted sleep is just one of dozens of awakenings creeping into this new unfamiliar season of the female journey.

Maybe this sounds familiar? Maybe you too are watching your kids age and witnessing them slowly (with every unread or overlooked text) prepare to leave the nest? “Wait, what? They’re ready – but I’m not!”

Or maybe you’re questioning your actual purpose in life? What does it all mean? Is this all there is? Could I be having a midlife crisis? 

Questions on a loop running through your busy mind: “Do I have enough? Am I enough? Have I accomplished enough?”

Maybe I’ll find the answers if I drop acid? Or do mushrooms? Or stop drinking? Or pack up and move to an Ashram? Or experiment with BioHacking? Or rejuvenate my vagina? After all, all of this uncertainty could be related to that pesky little case of incontinence. 

Well friends, these are the questions I’ve been asking myself for a while now. 

And then the pandemic hit and if there were some slight whispers, they turned into screams. Suddenly there’s this super-sized magnifying glass positioned over my life taunting me to peer in.

The search for answers starts now. 

For the first time in my adult life and in my career that has spanned almost twenty-five years, the cameras are going to be rolling on me. No filter. No holds barred. Cameras pointed at me, my friends, my family, some strangers, some experts, some doctors, some shamans – no one is off limits. Even some of my exes might show up. 

To deep dive into this existential experience with a film crew on what will be a most provocative and raw road to self-discovery, we need your help. Many of you say to me quite often (and I’m flattered) “We miss you on our tv!” “When are you coming back on my tv?!” 

MIDLIFE is how. 

In order to make and capture the story of being a middle-aged woman seeking answers and meaning - and to document all of the unpredictable humor and enlightenment that goes along with it - we must raise the money to film in the way we know will be the most effective, educational, and entertaining. 

Today my producing partners and I are kicking off our MIDLIFE INDIEGOGO FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN.  This is a project we’ve put hours and hours of thought and time and energy into, and with your help, your input, your ideas, we can make something transformative, thought-provoking and life-changing. Not just for me, but for the countless women who experience the same nagging questions, who experience the same internal conflict, the same doubt as she feels herself shedding an older younger version of herself. 

In all of the years you’ve been a follower or a subscriber or a newsletter email recipient, you know I haven’t asked for much. But now I am asking. I NEED YOU.

Please head to the MIDLIFE crowd-funding page here. 

Please read it. Share it. Post it. Every little bit helps. 

Our campaign will only run thirty days, so your donations are appreciated now – early! You’ll see there are endless perks that will make this worth your while. I’m sending you a custom journal with a hand-written note. Want to do a wine Zoom with me? Fancy an EP credit on a Hollywood docu-series? (My team has made dozens and dozens of tv shows and films; we are in good hands!)

So, let’s go there, shall we? Come on a journey with me. 


By Catt Sadler, Terence Michael, David Andreone – and YOU. 

Thank you sincerely for your contributions and enthusiasm to support this effort near and dear to my heart. I can’t wait to see what we create together. I LOVE YOU AND AM SO GRATEFUL FOR YOUR HELP! 


My Case of Covid: An Update

