
When were you your happiest? In order to summon the best of times, I’m practicing the art of recollection. It felt so right. So nice. Complete and utter bliss. Have you ever made your own list?

On the lake with friends on my grandpa’s catamaran flipped upside down when I was twelve. 

When my son was delivered to my bare chest and took his first breath. 

Every time I stamp my passport. 

Sneaking out that one time in high school and getting caught. #wasworthit

Making homemade ice cream for the 4th every year at my dad’s. 

Delivering lines in my first musical “Annie” at age 11.

Living in London for a month covering the summer olympics for E. 

Watching Arion hit his first home run in Cooperstown NY. 

Covering the Oscars for the first time in 2007.

Getting hired for my first full-time tv job in SF thinking I had MADE IT. 

Being so madly in love - before I stopped trusting him and my heart broke into a million pieces. 

Crossing the finish line for the Nike half marathon. 

The daylong hike with my boys in the Redwoods in Northern California when they were both under ten. 

Making my way through Kenya for the first time by jeep with my mom - and seeing THIER FACES when we delivered much needed supplies to the schools. 

Every time Arion whistles. 

Summers in Palm Beach Gardens with my cousins while Grandpa did his magic tricks.

Standing on the roof of a cathedral on live tv covering the royal wedding of Will and Kate.

Riding horses through the Chianti region of Tuscany with Rhys and the boys; followed by many meals smothered in truffle.

Being a guest at Plaza Athanee in Paris which entailed dining near the Eiffel Tower, sipping the best wine the world has to offer, and touring The Louve.

When Austin sees me more clearly than anyone and holds my heart in his hands. 




December 31, 2020