Livin Lozada Means Livin on Her Own Terms - Translation She Doesn’t Care What You Think of Her
Instagram @evelynlozada
I got to know Evelyn a bit better when we both appeared on the Steve Harvey show. Her essence was powerful and confident, but also slightly reserved and even quiet when the cameras weren’t rolling. Ultimately, she was impressionable. A girls girl. A single mom. Still working on herself like most of us. I had never seen Basketball Wives - don’t kill me - but I knew she was beloved and had a legion of dedicated fans. Now, add me to the list.
Evelyn, you’re a reality star and entrepreneur who speaks her mind and lives by her own rules. Your life has not been void of adversity but you seem to remain so strong through it all. Where do you get your strength?
I find strength in knowing who I am and living in my truth. People will always have an opinion whether it’s good or bad. And I understand that because I have a strong personality and I’m very opinionated. Negative opinions about me will not make or break me— so I move on. But where I draw a line in the sand is when vile comments are targeted at my children. I think parents all over the world will or should agree that as adults, we can agree to disagree but our children are off limits.
“You can’t just be a cute face. Not everybody is cut out for this.”- You said once about filming Basketball Wives. What does it take to live your life out loud in front of the world?
It takes really tough skin to live part of my life out loud as it relates to Basketball Wives. Privately, I am very protective of my personal life, kids and family. I share with the world what I want them to see, some of which I hope is uplifting and has a positive impact.
Little Leo is your baby boy and your true pride and joy. You also have a beautiful grown daughter. Often our children teach us about ourselves. What do they teach you about yourself?
Children give our lives purpose. As a parent, I am constantly aware and reminded that everything I do, and how I do it will dictate the lives of my kids. They have taught me that I am strong, determined and resilient. And most of all unwavering about their well-being. I gave birth to Shaniece when I was 17 years old and that is when my perspective on life changed significantly. I would think to myself “this little person is depending on me” so I set goals and stepped up my game. Giving up will never be an option.
You have parlayed your fame into a legitimate brand with fans begging for more! There’s your dope jewelry line (I need the butterfly earrings) and the sweatshirts have been in high demand. What’s the biggest challenge about the fashion industry?
I’m very proud of how the jewelry line has been received. The biggest challenge about the fashion industry for me is how people will respond to the product. I may think that the product is trendsetting, innovative and the best ever made—but the people may say otherwise LOL.
What haven’t you done that you want to do as a designer?
I would love to design a children’s clothing line-quality, fashionable and affordable garments for kids. Who knows, maybe I will add “children’s clothier” to my brand in the near future, stay tuned.
When I look at your Instagram I see a woman who loves her body. You radiate self-love and work your ass off – literally – to be fit. How do you approach working out? What’s your philosophy for all of us who get stuck and are unmotivated?
I approach working out with a very positive attitude. Sure, sometimes I think of a million other things I can be doing instead, but health and being around for my family means everything to me. A healthy diet and exercise are incorporated into my daily routine, and I’ve labeled it as “my time” and I actually enjoy it—especially cycling. For those who are stuck and unmotivated, I say to them stay patient, consistent and driven to yield the results you want.
What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I’m a very open and honest person. At times my candidness is misconstrued to be something that it really isn’t. I am a philanthropist and through my foundation (The Evelyn Lozada Foundation) we support causes that effect positive change for women and young girls.
What’s the biggest misconception about you?
The biggest misconception about me is that I am a home wrecker. Nothing can be further from the truth—and I will leave it there.
I know that Iyanla Vanzant is your go-to life coach of sorts. You love Oprah, just like the rest of us. What wisdom have they bestowed on you that sticks with you the most?
I really look up to Iyanla and since appearing on her show, she has been a great presence in my life. She made me recognize things about myself and as a result, I’m a better person today. Iyanla taught me to love and honor myself always because I am worthy. Oprah, like Iyanla, have inspired me to strive to be the best version of me at all times.
When the drama gets real or scary or overwhelmingly hurtful and the world ends up reading about it and drawing their own conclusions, how does that make you feel? How do you resolve the stress and keep it moving?
I wouldn’t be human if I said I didn’t give negative things said about me in the press some thought. But, I accept what I signed on for. What keeps me grounded is what my family thinks of me. They have my best interest at heart and their criticism comes from a place of love. My kids keep me centered and I rely on the gym to blow off steam and built up aggression.
We are in the midst of a real movement for women with Times Up and Me Too at the center of pop culture conversation. As a woman of color, do you feel like things are improving? Have you been a victim in a workplace ever of discrimination or at the receiving end of unwanted sexual advances? If so, what became of it?
Personally, I never experienced workplace discrimination or sexual harassment of any kind. Prior to Basketball Wives, I worked with one of the entertainment industry’s well-regarded attorneys. The environment was fast-paced and interactive. At the end of the day, I did my job and never was made to feel uncomfortable. Yet, I am cognizant that many have not been as fortunate. As far as the Times Up and Me Too movements, I am supportive of both and the conversation and action are long overdue. For far too long women have suffered in silence and in fear of not being believed and the possible repercussions they would face if they spoke out. Finally, people are being held accountable and perpetrators are beginning to face real consequences.
We have something in common. I’ve been married twice. (Okay fine you were married once but engaged a second time lol.) I can’t seem to get it right. Are you open to everlasting love? Is your soul mate still out there? Do you feel like you can trust a man?
Yes! I am open to everlasting love. Someone to share my most intimate thoughts and grow old with—I’m getting chills just thinking about it. I do believe my soul mate is out there! What a lot of people don’t know about me is that I am the ultimate homebody—I will curl up with a good book and all is good. I really have to get out more LOL. As far as trust, there are very few women who have not experienced “side-way” situations in their relationships. If they choose to stay, that’s another conversation but if they leave it is so important not to lug past baggage into new relationships, it will be doomed from the start. It’s not fair for the next person you date to pay for the woes of a past relationship.
*If* he’s out there what are the three main qualities he must have?
He must match the same “give all” open-heart mentality I bring to the table. Which is loyalty, commitment, integrity, and honesty means everything.
First thing you do when you wake up?
Let my dogs out to go to the potty.
Coffee or Tea?
I am a consumer of both! In the morning I normally have a cup of Bulletproof Coffee. It boosts my energy levels and it has an amazing aroma and taste. At night, I’ll have a cup of green tea with honey or sometimes I switch up and have a cup of coconut or peppermint tea.
Dad shoe or fanny pack?
Definitely the Dad Shoe
Basketball Wives or Livin' Lozada?
Livin’ Lozada gave me the opportunity to work with my daughter Shaniece, interact with close family friends and having Leo on set was the icing on the cake. Livin’ Lozada gave viewers a glimpse into my every day “full” life—and the take-a-way I hope, was that family comes first. The characteristics of the BWives cast members are all very different. In my view, that’s what makes the show successful. The spirited personalities of the cast are relatable to viewers from all walks of life—and that’s what’s so appealing. I would not trade in either experience for the other.
Marry again or single eternally?
If the right person comes along, and we connect on multiple levels I would definitely get married again. Marriage to me is a partnership, a lifelong commitment to support and to be there for each other no matter what. Technically if I were to get married, I would consider it being my first marriage. The one on the books only lasted 43 days—therefore, doesn’t count LOL.